Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Vinegar - The Household Staple with Hundreds of Uses! Part 1

Vinegar is a marvelous thing!  It really is!  This common household items has countless uses beyond use in cooking!

I've already mentioned in this post, that vinegar can be used in place of fabric softener in your laundry, but there is so much more that vinegar is useful for!

Cleaning with Vinegar:
**Please Note: Never use white distilled vinegar on marble, as the acid content of the vinegar could damage the surface**

Undiluted white distilled vinegar can be used as an all purpose cleaner.  Fill an empty spray bottle with vinegar, and use as you would an other cleanser:
  • Spray counter tops and wipe clean with a rag. 
  • Clean the grime from the top of the refrigerator by spraying and wiping clean with a damp rag.
  • Clean grout by spraying with vinegar; let it set for 10-15 minutes and then scrub with an old toothbrush.
  • Disinfect the bathroom by spraying sinks, counter tops, and cabinets with vinegar and wiping clean with a dampened cloth.
  • Clean mildew and soap scum from your tub and shower by spraying with vinegar and wiping with a dampened cloth.
  • Clean stained linoleum by spraying with vinegar, allow to set for 10-15 minutes and wipe up.
  • Disinfect doorknobs by spraying with vinegar, and wiping dry.
  • Clean a grease splattered oven door by spraying with vinegar, allow to set for 10-15 minutes with the door open, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.
A diluted vinegar solution of 1/2 distilled white vinegar, and 1/2 water can be used for many other larger tasks:
  • Clean the shelves and walls in your refrigerator by wiping with a rag soaked in the vinegar solution.
  • Remove stains in an aluminum pot by boiling 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water in the pot.
  • Remove wallpaper by using a paint roller with equal parts of vinegar and hot water.  Apply to the wallpaper to saturate.
  • Clean fireplace glass by wiping with a rag soaked in equal parts of vinegar and water, and then wipe dry.
  • Clean glass baby bottles by filling with equal parts vinegar and hot water, let sit for an hour and scrub with a bottle brush.
Other cleaning uses:
  • Deodorize your garbage disposal by freezing distilled white vinegar in ice cube trays.  Run several cubes down the disposal while running cold water.
  • Clean the microwave by putting 1/2 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of water in a microwave safe bowl.  Heat to boiling in the microwave.  The steam will loosen the baked on food.  Wipe clean with a damp rag.
  • Clean the inside of your dishwasher by dumping 1 cup of undiluted vinegar in it, and running a full cycle.
  • Clean stains and smells from your plastic containers by wiping with a rag soaked in undiluted vinegar.
  • Remove labels and stickers by covering with a rag soaked in undiluted vinegar.  Let set overnight, and the labels should slide off easily.
  • Remove odors from your dishcloth by soaking it in vinegar for an hour, and then drape over a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 2 minutes.
  • Remove buildup on faucets by wrapping them in a cloth soaked in undiluted vinegar.  Let set for a couple of hours (or overnight) and wipe clean.
  • Deodorize your toilet by pouring 3 cups of undiluted vinegar into the bowl and allowing to set for 30 minutes, scrub with a toilet brush and flush.
  • Clean linoleum floors by mixing 1 cup of vinegar per gallon of water, and mop.
  • Remove paint splatters from windows by applying undiluted vinegar to them with a paintbrush.  Allow paint to soften, then wipe clean.
  • Clean old concrete by undiluted vinegar and allow to dry before painting.
  • Clean paintbrushes by soaking them in a pot of undiluted vinegar for an hour.  After soaking, heat the pot of vinegar on the stove, simmer the brushes. Rinse clean.
  • To disinfect children's toys, soak them in a sink full of hot water and 1/2 cup of vinegar.
  • Clean sticky grime from your scissors by wiping with a rag soaked in undiluted vinegar.

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